395 Ninth ST OAKLAND CA94607 MON~SAT (10AM to 5 PM)

NeoraFit™ Block Balance Pre Probiotic

NeoraFit™ 健衡益生粉

About this product

Did you know that gut health affects literally everything in your body? The gastrointestinal system is the main “portal” for taking in and processing nutrients, but it also serves a communication center and disease fighter. From your nervous and immune systems to your mental health and digestive function, a healthy gut plays a pivotal role in your overall well-being. Take this tasty, lemon-flavored pre and probiotic powder before lunch to reduce the feeling of bloating, ease digestion, help curb cravings, support your immune system and more to keep you going strong, all year long. 你知道嗎,腸道健康會影響你身體的方方面面?胃腸系統是吸收和處理營養物質的主要“入口”,但它也充當著交流中心和疾病鬥士的角色。從你的神經和免疫系統到你的心理健康和消化功能,一個健康的腸道在你的整體健康中扮演著關鍵的角色。在午餐前服用這款美味的檸檬味前置和益生菌粉,可以減輕腹脹的感覺,緩解消化,幫助抑制食慾,支持你的免疫系統,讓你全年都精力充沛。

How To Use

Take Block + Balance Pre & Probiotic with lunch. For optimal effectiveness, take before a meal. Slowly pour onto the tongue and allow powder to dissolve. Alternatively, mix with water or a beverage of your choice. 午餐時服用 Block + Balance Pre & Probiotic。 為獲得最佳效果,請在飯前服用。 慢慢倒在舌頭上,讓粉末溶解。 或者,與水或您選擇的飲料混合飲用。


Prebiotic Blend
Includes isomalt, inulin and fructooligosaccharides that help regulate gut bacteria, support natural fat browning and help curb cravings.*
Probiotic Blend
A proprietary blend of probiotics lactobacillus plantarum and streptococcus thermophilus, which supports the body’s ability to process dietary fact, increase skin moisturization and ease digestion.*†
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
A protective antioxidant that provides immune support.
Vitamin D
Supports bone metabolism, calcium absorption and other metabolic processes in the body.*
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 plays a role in cognitive development as well as immune function.
Vitamin B12
A water-soluble vitamin naturally present in some foods. Vitamin B12 is required for proper red blood cell formation and neurological function.
支持體內的骨代謝、鈣吸收和其他代謝過程。 *
維生素 B6 在認知發育和免疫功能中發揮作用。
維生素 B12
一種水溶性維生素,天然存在於某些食物中。 適當的紅細胞形成和神經功能需要維生素 B12。

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