福田雅舍ANROL 395 Ninth St, Oakland, CA 94607 MON to SAT (10AM~5PM))

395 Ninth ST OAKLAND CA94607 MON~SAT (10AM to 5 PM)



About this product

Overall Immune Health*

Kyolic® Aged Garlic Extract™ Formula 103 for Immune Health contains a potent combination of AGE, vitamin C, a premium mushroom complex, astragalus, oregano, and olive leaf extracts to support a healthy immune function. * (2 capsules per serving; Recommend two servings per day).*
Kyolic AGE is the best-selling, odorless, aged garlic extract. Proven safe and effective, AGE and its constituents have been the subject of over 870 peer-reviewed published scientific papers documenting its health benefits.


Kyolic AGE是最暢銷的,無味的陳年大蒜提取物。經證明,AGE(陳年蒜精)及其成分是安全有效的,已發表了870多篇同行評議的科學論文,記錄了它的健康益處。


Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract begins on certified organic farms in California’s Central Valley, where it is grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. When fully mature, the garlic is harvested, cleaned, and sliced before being placed in specialized stainless steel containers where it is aged, without heat, for up to 20 months. This proprietary process increases the garlic’s antioxidant potential and converts harsh and unstable organosulfur compounds into the odorless, non-irritating, and bioavailable compounds that are responsible for Kyolic’s numerous health benefits. Kyolic陳年大蒜提取物始於加州中央谷認證的有機農場,在那裏種植時不使用化肥、除草劑或殺蟲劑。當大蒜球完全成熟時,就會被采收,清洗乾净,切片,然後放入專門的不銹鋼容器中,在沒有加熱的情況下熟化20個月。這一專利工藝提高了大蒜的抗氧化潛力,並將苛刻和不穩定的有機硫化合物轉化為無味、無刺激性和生物可利用性化合物,這是Kyolic眾多健康益處的原因。

Suggested Use

Take two capsules with a meal two times a day. (4 per day) 每日兩次,每次兩粒,隨餐服用。(每天4粒)

*These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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