福田雅舍ANROL 395 Ninth St, Oakland, CA 94607 MON to SAT (10AM~5PM))

395 Ninth ST OAKLAND CA94607 MON~SAT (10AM to 5 PM)


About this product

Immune health and digestive support*
Kyo-Dophilus® Daily Probiotic is one of the formulas that helped to pioneer the probiotic supplement market over 30 years ago. Kyo-Dophilus is a safe, trusted, quality brand with a long history of customer satisfaction. The three biocompatible human strains in Daily Probiotic, The Friendly Trio® have been the subject of clinical studies that have documented the efficacy of these strains to support a healthy gut microbiome.The Daily Probiotic For You.

  • To maintain good colon health.*
  • Relieve occasional digestive discomfort.*
  • Promote healthy immune function.*
Kyo-Dophilus®Daily益生菌是30多年前幫助開拓益生菌補充劑市場的配方之一。Kyo-Dophilus是一個安全,值得信賴,優質的品牌,長期以來客戶滿意。每日益生菌中的三種生物兼容的人類菌株,The Friendly Trio®已經成為臨床研究的主題,這些研究已經記錄了這些菌株支持健康的腸道微生物群的功效。你的每日益生菌

  • 保持良好的結腸健康*
  • 緩解偶爾的消化不適
  • 促進健康的免疫功能


Kyo-Dophilus Probiotics are formulated to support healthy digestive and immune systems.* Our probiotics deliver efficacy, quality, and extended live cell viability, without refrigeration.

The Friendly Trio®

The Friendly Trio® is the core of our formulations. The Friendly Trio® is a clinically studied proprietary blend of human strain Lactobacillus gasseri KS-13, Bifidobacterium bifidum G9-1, and Bifidobacterium longum.

  • L. gasseri has been shown to support your body’s GI function and immune health.*
  • B. bifidum may regulate healthy gut flora and enhance immunity by reducing inflammation.*
  • B. longum is known to normalize bowel movements.*

The Friendly Trio®

Friendly Trio®是我們的核心配方。Friendly Trio®是經臨床研究的人類菌株gasseri乳桿菌KS-13、兩歧雙歧桿菌G9-1和長雙歧桿菌的專有混合物

  • 研究表明,加塞氏乳桿菌能促進身體的GI(腸胃道)功能和免疫健康
  • 兩歧桿菌可以調節健康的腸道菌群,通過減少炎癥來增強免疫力
  • B. longum(長雙歧桿菌)以使排便正常而聞名

Suggested Use

Adults take two capsules with a meal daily. 成人每日一餐兩粒。

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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