Wild American Ginseng Powder
About this product
Hsu’s Ginseng Enterprises, Inc. is the world’s premier grower, importer and exporter of the storied crop since 1974. Located in Marathon County, WI, we operate on over 1,000 acres of virgin ginseng land to produce highly prized Wisconsin-grown American ginseng. Hsu’s investment into growing the highest quality American Ginseng for over 40 years allows us to create unique ways to enjoy ginseng in your daily life. 100% natural. |
許氏人參企業股份有限公司自1974年以來一直是世界上最重要的人參種植商、進出口商。我們位於威斯康星州馬拉松縣,經營超過1000英畝的原始人參土地,生產威斯康星州種植的高價值西洋參。許氏投資種植高品質西洋參超過40年,讓我們在日常生活中創造獨特的享受西洋參的方式。 |
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