福田雅舍ANROL 395 Ninth St, Oakland, CA 94607 MON to SAT (10AM~5PM))

395 Ninth ST OAKLAND CA94607 MON~SAT (10AM to 5 PM)

Oriental Specialty Supplements東方特產補充劑



Kaiso is a mushroom complex based on Agaricus Blazei Murill with Sangoyamabushitake, Tamogitake, and other mushrooms added with Siberian Ginseng, Seaweed extracts, Plant nano lactobacillus, Vitamin B2, and more!
The mushrooms used in this exclusive supplement were processed under a patented manufacturing method where all cell walls are broken so that the precious nutrients are readily available! Convenient and easy to take, Kaiso can be taken with your favorite drinks or by itself anytime, anywhere!
快蘇是一種蘑菇復合物,基於姬松茸、三五山菇、平菇 和其他蘑菇,並添加了西伯利亞人參、海藻提取物、植物納米乳酸菌、維生素 B2 等!
這款獨家補充劑中使用的蘑菇是根據專利製造方法加工的,所有細胞壁都被破壞,因此珍貴的營養成分隨時可用! 方便又好喝,快蘇可以搭配自己喜歡的飲品,也可以隨時隨地單獨飲用!

Mushroom Blend


Mushrooms, naturally support a healthy immune system. They are famous for immune support as well as anti-aging effect. Used in Kampo, or oriental herbal concoctions, mushrooms differ in their benefits depending on their strand With that in mind, Kaiso was formulated with various types of mushrooms that together, have the best synergistic harmony. In special, Agaricus Blazei Murill has been widely studied and possesses vast research data on its applications and benefits. It is unique being the only mushroom that possesses Beta Glucan 1-6 other than Beta Glucan 1-3. This formulation was made under the advice of a Mie University professor who is considered the utmost authority in mushrooms and sea-weeds. 蘑菇,自然支持健康的免疫系統。 它們以免疫支持和抗衰老作用而聞名。 用於漢方或東方草藥混合物,蘑菇的好處取決於它們的鏈。考慮到這一點,快蘇 與各種類型的蘑菇一起配製,具有最佳的協同和諧。 特別是,姬松茸已被廣泛研究並擁有大量關於其應用和益處的研究數據。 它是唯一具有 貝塔-葡聚醣 1-3 以外的貝塔-葡聚醣 1-6 的蘑菇,這是獨一無二的。 這個配方是在一位被認為是蘑菇和海藻領域的最高權威的三重大學教授的建議下製定的。


Agaricus fruiting body and mycelium(patented broken cell technology) 姬松茸子實體和菌絲體(專利破細胞技術)
Agaricus in the US became famous after prior President Ronald Reagan utilized it to support his cancer treatment. But there are over a hundred kinds of mushrooms that are used as a supplement for health. Agaricus Balzei Murill is the only mushroom proved to support a healthy immune system scientifically. In Japan, it is also called Princess mushroom for its cute appearance. Agaricus from Iwate Research center in Japan, Iwade 101 strain, is widely recognized for the various studies and researches published in medical and scientific media. 美國的姬松茸在前任總統羅納德·裏根利用它來支持他的癌癥治療後聲名鵲起。 但是有超過一百種蘑菇被用作保健品。姬松茸是唯一一種科學證明支持健康免疫系統的蘑菇。 在日本,因其可愛的外表而被稱為公主蘑菇。 來自日本巖手研究中心的姬松茸 Iwade 101 菌株,因其在醫學和科學媒體上發表的各種研究和研究而得到廣泛認可。
Agaricus was first brought to light in 1980 at the 39th Japan Cancer Institute general meeting by 3 professors from Mie University. They have proved that mushroom polysaccharides as glucans, were hardly absorbable by the digestive system but Agaricus could be absorbed easier due to its unique structure. 蘑菇屬在1980年由三重大學的3名教授在第39屆日本癌癥研究所總會上首次公開。他們已經證明蘑菇多糖作為葡聚糖,很難被消化系統吸收,而蘑菇多糖由於其獨特的結構而更容易被吸收。


Yamabushitake, known as the Lion’s Mane Mushroom, is a dietary mushroom that can be a supplement. It appears to be a promising cognitive enhancer and immunomodulator (thought to stimulate or suppress inflammation depending on context). Its main nutrients, Hericenones, and erinacines were found to support healthy regeneration and neuron growth. It was also found that the compounds in this mushroom support healthy muscle recovery. Sango means coral and is a variation of yamabushitake that has the format of coral. This mushroom is grown in a proprietary method that ensures double the amount of hericenones and erinacines of regular yamabushitake 猴頭菇,被稱為獅子的鬃毛蘑菇,是一種可以作為補充劑的食用菌。它似乎是一種很有前途的認知增強劑和免疫調節劑(被認為可以根據環境刺激或抑製炎癥)。它的主要營養物質,一類苯甲醛(Hericenones)和馬林酸(erinacines)被發現支持健康的再生和神經元生長。人們還發現,這種蘑菇中的化合物可以促進肌肉的健康恢復。Sango的意思是珊瑚,是yamabushitake的一種變體,有珊瑚的形狀。這種蘑菇采用專有方法種植,可確保猴頭菇的苯甲醛和馬林酸含量增加一倍。


P. citrinopileatus mushrooms are a source of antioxidants.[6] Ex-tracts from P. citrinopileatus have been studied for their antihyperglycemic properties, decreasing blood sugar levels in diabetic rats. They have also been studied as a source of lipid-lowering drugs;[P. ostreatus, a related oyster mushroom has been found to contain the cholesterol-lowering drug lovastatin. P. citrinopileatus 蘑菇是抗氧化劑的來源。 [6] 已經研究了 P. citrinopileatus 的提取物的抗高血糖特性,降低糖尿病大鼠的血糖水平。 它們也被研究作為降脂藥物的來源;[P. ostreatus,一種相關的平菇被發現含有降膽固醇藥物洛伐他汀。

Eleutherosides are the active compound in Siberian ginseng. They are thought to stimulate your appetite and enhance your memory. The Siberian region of Russia is remote and, until recently, most studies surrounding Siberian ginseng were conducted in Russia, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The Russian data suggests that Siberian ginseng can improve your overall health and strengthen your immune system. Research shows that it can help you adapt mentally and physically to handle stressful situations. Used by Soviet cosmonauts and Olympic athletes, it is also endorsed by the German government. 刺五加苷是西伯利亞人參中的活性化合物。 它們被認為可以刺激您的食欲並增強您的記憶力。 據馬裏蘭大學醫學中心稱,俄羅斯的西伯利亞地區偏遠,直到最近,大多數圍繞西伯利亞人參的研究都是在俄羅斯進行的。 俄羅斯數據表明,西伯利亞人參可以改善您的整體健康狀況並增強您的免疫系統。 研究表明,它可以幫助您在精神和身體上適應壓力情況。 蘇聯宇航員和奧林匹克運動員使用它,它也得到德國政府的認可。


The viscous substance in seaweed like kombu and wakame is a Water-soluble dietary fiber that is also called fucoidan.
This substance protects the seaweed from bacteria and funguses as well as helps with cell restoration and healing. With over 900 studies found on Pub Med and interest from the pharmaceutical industry, Fucoidan is one of the most intriguing and powerful supplements on the market.
這種物質可以保護海藻免受細菌和真菌的侵害,並有助於細胞恢復和愈合。 憑借對 Pub Med 的 900 多項研究和製藥行業的興趣,褐藻糖膠是市場上最有趣和最強大的補充劑之一。

Plant-derived Nano type lactobacillus, as the name indicates, is processed into nanoparticles that are easily absorbed, supporting a healthy digestive system and Immune system.
It supports a healthy flora balance in the intestines as well as a healthy cholesterol level.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.