GEN is a unique fermented herbal drink. It is based on 33 carefully handpicked oriental herbs to which fruits, vegetables, and roots were added together with the best quality Kishu Japanese Plum extract and Brown Rice Black Vinegar, then slowly fermented for a fruitful year and 2 months. | 野草酵素是一種獨特的發酵草本飲料。它以33種精心挑選的東方草藥為基礎,將水果、蔬菜和根莖與最優質的Kishu日本李子提取物和糙米黑醋混合在一起,然後緩慢發酵一年零兩個月所製成天然的酵素。 |
The amazingly resilient oriental herbs utilized in Gen are wildly grown in the pristine Myoko Mountains in Japan. Modern manufacturing processes deplete our foods with valuable enzymes. GEN was specially designed to replenish our diets with the most natural enzyme blend to harmonize a healthy metabolism. * This product was named GEN which means “origin” or “starting Point”. As the name indicates, GEN promises to be a great starting point to a healthier, happier you! |
野草酵素使用的具有驚人生長力的生長在日本的原始妙古山中的東方草本植物。現代食品加工的技術將我們食品中寶貴的酶消耗殆盡。GEN是專門設計來補充我們的飲食與缺少的天然酶,以協調健康的新陳代謝。 *該產品被命名為GEN,意思是「起源」或「起點」。顧名思義,GEN承諾是一個偉大的起點,一個更健康,更快樂的你! |
Herbs: Pigweed, Japanese Mallotus, Jiaogulan, Gingko Biloba leaf, Ukogi, Turmeric, Siberian Ginseng, Cassia seed, Plantago leaf, Hypericum, Ground Ivy, Chamaecrista Nomame, Licorice, Aloe Arborescens, Goji berry leaf, Goji berry, Bamboo leaf, Cinnamon, Quercus Serrata, Japanese Honeysuckle, Horsetail, Dandelion, Akebi, Asiatic Dayflower, New Zealand spinach, Houttuynia Cordata, Solomon’s Seal, Nandina leaf, Pearl Barley, Cassia Occidentalis leaf, Silvervine, Pine needle, Mugwort. |
草本植物: 莧,日本絞股藍,銀杏葉,刺五加參,姜黃,西伯利亞人參,決明子,車前草,金絲桃屬植物,地面常春藤,山扁豆,甘草,蘆薈喬木繡球,枸杞莓葉,枸杞漿果,竹葉,桂皮,枹櫟,日本忍冬,馬尾,蒲公英,攀藤,亞洲一天花,新西蘭菠菜,魚腥草,玉璽,南地葉,薏米,西花桂葉,銀藤,松針,艾蒿。 |
Vegetables: Turnip, Cabbage, Cucumber, Burdock, Komatsuna, Radish, Onion, Tomato, Garlic Chives, Carrots, Garlic, Parsley, Potato, Broccoli, Spinach, Bean sprout, Japanese Yam, Lotus, Shiitake mushroom, Sword bean, Maitake mushroom, |
蔬菜: 蕪菁、捲心白菜,黃瓜、牛蒡、小松、蘿蔔,洋蔥,番茄,韭菜,胡蘿蔔,大蒜,香菜,土豆,西蘭花,菠菜,豆芽,山藥,荷花,香菇,劍豆,舞茸。 |
Fruits: Pineapple, Papaya, Apple, Lemon |
水果: 菠蘿,木瓜,蘋果,檸檬。 |
Others: Brown Rice Black Vinegar, Japanese Plum vinegar, Japanese Plum extract, Seaweed, Oligosaccharide, Brown Sugar, Sucrose, shell fossil. |
其他: 糙米黑醋,日本梅子醋,日本梅子提取物,海藻,低聚糖,紅糖,蔗糖,貝殼提取物。 |
Natural Manufacturing process Our unique herbs are gathered directly from nature and together with vegetables, fruits, and more, matured for 1 year and 2 months. |
天然生產過程 我們獨特的草本植物直接從自然界采集,與蔬菜,水果等一起經過1年零2個月發酵熟成。 |
Oriental wild herbs Often times we tend to disregard wild plants as just common unwanted weeds. If we really pay close attention, the reality is plain as their presence in nature. They possess a potent life force capable of enduring frigid winters and scorching summers all the while multiplying and thriving amidst pollution and human intervention. The wild herbs chosen to manufacture GEN are especially rich in nutrients and life force. It is our sincere wish that as its name implies, GEN becomes a source of renewal and vitality for all our customers. |
東方野生草本植物 我們常常忽視野生植物,認為它們只是普通的無用雜草。如果我們仔細觀察,就會發現現實就像它們的存在一樣平淡無奇。它們擁有強大的生命力,能夠忍受寒冷的冬天和炎熱的夏天,同時在環境污染和人爲的破壞繁衍生息。用於生產野草酵素的野生草本植物營養成分和生命力特別豐富。我們真誠的希望,正如其名稱所暗示的那樣,野草酵素成為我們所有客戶更新和活力的源泉。 |
Black Vinegar Black Vinegar is made mainly from brown rice, Fermented for 6 months, it becomes rich and dark-colored due to specific yeasts and lactobacillus. |
黑醋 黑醋是以糙米為主要原料,經過6個月的發酵,由於特定的酵母菌和乳酸菌的作用,黑醋的顏色變得濃郁而深沈。 |
Japanese Plum Extract Plums from the famous area of Kishu in Japan are carefully cooked in natural earthware for a long period of time until only the precious extract can be harvested. The resulting extract is rich in Mume Fural, a highly alkaline substance that supports a healthy metabolism. |
李子提取 來自日本著名地區紀州的李子在天然陶器中經過長時間的精心熬煮所提煉而成的珍貴的濃縮精華。由此產生的提取物富含梅素,一種支持健康新陳代謝的高鹼性物質。 |
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.