福田雅舍ANROL 395 Ninth St, Oakland, CA 94607 MON to SAT (10AM~5PM))

395 Ninth ST OAKLAND CA94607 MON~SAT (10AM to 5 PM)

Animal Parade

Animal Parade® DHA for Kids Children’s Chewables

It’s nutrition in disguise…thanks to its fun animal shapes, kids won’t know Animal Parade Chewable DHA for Kids is good for them. Animal Parade—the best DHA supplement for kids anywhere!


  • 40 mg of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), a key omega-3 fatty acid
  • Supports brain function*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
  • Includes vitamins A, D & E, along with crucial minerals
  • Optimized for the greatest absorption
  • Features a smooth, fast-dissolving texture
  • Delicious Cherry flavor your kids will love!
  • 30 Servings Per Container
  • 40毫克DHA(二十二碳六烯酸),一種關鍵的歐米伽-3脂肪酸
  • 具有護大腦功能*這些說法沒有經過食品和藥物管理局的評估。本產品不用於診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。
  • 包括維生素A, D和E,以及重要的礦物質
  • 容易讓孩子吸收
  • 具有光滑、快速溶解的質地
  • 孩子會喜歡的美味的櫻桃口味!
  • 每罐30粒

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