福田雅舍ANROL 395 Ninth St, Oakland, CA 94607 MON to SAT (10AM~5PM))

395 Ninth ST OAKLAND CA94607 MON~SAT (10AM to 5 PM)

Animal Parade

Animal Parade® KidZinc® Lozenges

It’s nutrition in disguise…kids won’t know Animal Parade KidZinc Lozenges are good for them. Animal Parade—the best zinc supplement for kids anywhere!


  • Provides organically chelated zinc to support your children’s health*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
  • Convenient & fast acting
  • Includes a blend of echinacea, olive leaf, slippery elm & ginger
  • Delicious Tangerine flavor your kids will love!
  • 90 Servings Per Container
  • 提供有機螯合鋅,支持您的孩子的健康
  • 這些聲明沒有經過食品和藥物管理局的評估。本產品不用於診斷、治療、治愈或預防任何疾病。
  • 方便快捷的作用
  • 包括紫錐菊,橄欖葉,滑榆樹和姜的混合
  • 孩子會喜歡的美味的橘子味!
  • 每罐90粒

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