福田雅舍ANROL 395 Ninth St, Oakland, CA 94607 MON to SAT (10AM~5PM))

395 Ninth ST OAKLAND CA94607 MON~SAT (10AM to 5 PM)

Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera (100 Softgels/ 5,000 mg)Aloe Vera (100 Softgels/ 5,000 mg)

About this product

The Aloe Vera plant has been recognized for its calming and restorative benefits since ancient times. Aloe Vera is derived from the leaf gel of a cactus that contains many minerals, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, natural sugars and agents. Its combination of ingredients contributes to the well-being of the body and its ability to serve as an aid for healthy digestion. Aloe Vera helps detoxify the bowel, neutralize stomach acidity, relieve constipation and may help soothe other uncomfortable digestive health conditions. 蘆薈是一種集食用,藥用,美容於一體的植物,此蘆薈膠囊精選優質蘆薈葉子中的膠液,其富含多種天然營養素,有助排除體內毒素,緩解胃炎,消化不良及便秘。營養肌膚,增白暗色膚質,美容美白。防止小皺紋,保濕嬌嫩,對粉刺,痤瘡,以及脫發都有抑制作用。對促進外傷燒傷愈合有顯著幫助。

Suggested Use

As a dietary supplement for adults, take 2 or 3 capsules daily. 作為成人膳食補充劑,每日服用2~3粒。

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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