福田雅舍ANROL 395 Ninth St, Oakland, CA 94607 MON to SAT (10AM~5PM))

395 Ninth ST OAKLAND CA94607 MON~SAT (10AM to 5 PM)



Alaska Deep Sea Fish Oil (300 Softgels / 1,000 mg) Alaska Deep Sea Fish Oil (300 Softgels / 1,000 mg)

About this product

  • Fish oil derived from the tissue of deep-sea fish oil contains essential Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Fish Oil is widely recognized for many health benefits ranging from mental to physical, but primarily known for its strength to reduce inflammation and help counteract the effects of aging.
  • Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid (EPA and DHA) are the two most important fatty acids that play a very crucial role in the development of the brain. EPA is a substance in the body called prostaglandins, which controls blood clotting and other arterial functions. Studies suggest that Omega-3 fatty acids may be able to reduce triglyceride levels and simultaneously increase good HDL cholesterol. Of almost equal importance is DHA, a major component of the human brain tissues and the retinal tissue of the eyes. Additionally, DHA supports the transmission of nerve impulses in the nervous system. These effective components together provide a maximum effect in promoting the health of the heart, brain tissue, digestive system, and immune system.
  • Fish Oil has long been regarded as an important supplement for cardiovascular health due to its anti-inflammatory agents. Since the average American diet is typically low in fresh fish and derivatives of sea food containing EPA and DHA, regular consumption of fish oil when added to a regular healthy diet has been highly recommended by many medical professionals.
  • Our fish oil products are manufactured using processes that reduce potential contaminants that are common to fish including PCBs, heavy metals, mercury, and dioxins.
  • 魚油來源於深海魚油的組織,含有必需的Omega-3脂肪酸,EPA和DHA。魚油被廣泛認為有許多健康益處,從精神到身體,但主要以其減少炎癥和幫助抵消衰老的影響而聞名。
  • 二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸(EPA和DHA)是兩種最重要的脂肪酸,在大腦發育中起著至關重要的作用。EPA是人體內一種叫做前列腺素的物質,它控製血液凝結和其他動脈功能。研究表明,歐米伽-3脂肪酸可以降低甘油三酯水平,同時增加有益的高密度脂蛋白膽固醇。DHA幾乎同樣重要,它是人類腦組織和眼睛視網膜組織的主要成分。此外,DHA還支持神經系統中神經沖動的傳遞。這些有效成分一起提供了一個最大的效果,促進健康的心臟,大腦組織,消化系統,和免疫系統。
  • 魚油由於具有抗炎作用,長期以來一直被認為是心血管健康的重要補充。由於美國人的平均飲食中鮮魚和含有EPA和DHA的海鮮衍生物的含量通常較低,因此許多醫學專業人士強烈建議在常規健康飲食中加入定期食用魚油。
  • 我們的魚油產品的生產工藝減少了對魚類常見的潛在汙染物,包括多氯聯苯、重金屬、汞和二惡英。

Suggested Use

2 capsules per day or as directed 每日2粒或遵醫囑。

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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